Sunday, August 22, 2010

I DON'T Want To Go To There!

I need to remember that not everyone will know who I'm talking about in some of my posts.   I will try to be better in clarifying who people are when I'm writing about them.  So when I start talking about Brigham Young, I should clarify that he was a polygamous pervert who had sex with at least 16 women at the same time (well, maybe not at the SAME time, but who knows?), he was an iron fist who believed that people should pay for their sins with blood, and he was the 2nd Prophet of the Mormon church and the founding father of Utah (a blogger I read recently called it "Utard"... immature, I know, but funny?  He also used the word "testiphony" a lot and I really did laugh hard on that one). 

Reading the word "testiphony" made me remember how I had to bear my testiphony in church the Sunday after I first did Baptisms for the Dead.  What are Baptisms for the Dead you ask?  Let me school you. 

The preparation that is put into the youth of the church is intense and calculated.  Sure, those might be negative terms, but I am speaking from my own experience.   From the time you enter the "Young Womens" program at the age of 12, you begin hearing about how you can help the cause of Mormonism.  When they first bring up the whole idea of "Baptisms for the Dead," they often can not get through it without shedding a tear or two.  It does not take long before they really have you believing that YOU can make a difference! 

The Las Vegas temple had not been built by the time I was old enough to experience this ritual.  I drove up to Utah with a few carloads of pre-teens and I remember the trip being fun and exciting!  Away from the parents, staying the night in another city, is there a down-side to this?  Indeed there was and it was down, down you go!  All the girls changed in a room and the boys in another.  We wore these goofy jumpers, all WHITE of course.  One by one, we entered the baptismal font where some old dude was waiting for us.  The moment I entered that room I felt weird.  There were many (not sure on the number) giant, stone oxen that all faced outward.  In the middle of it all was the baptismal pool.  Now the reason we were even doing this is because supposedly there are countless numbers of people upstairs, just waiting outside the gates of heaven.  They can not get in because they have not been baptized Mormon (of course), so I was there to get baptized for them (by proxy).  The 20+ people I got baptized for all had Spanish names and I was told had died over a century before. 

One by one, the old dude read off the names - and for every name he reads he had to dunk me.  I'm thinking about those people upstairs and I'm firmly hoping they are grateful!  If I'm going to endure water on the freaking lung, somebody better be getting something out of it!  As soon as I finished they ushered me back to the changing room where I was to shower and change.  It did not help that one of the girls with us started her period in there and there was blood all over the floor (I had no idea what was going on... my mother did not allow me to take sex education and of course SHE wasn't talking).  I was already so wigged out by the actual baptismal experience that when the blood came, it really freaked my freak out. 

I went straight home and told my mother that I was never doing that again.  She cried.... and urged me to talk to the Bishop about it.  I remember thinking that the Bishop can smooch my white butt - it was not going to happen.  And no one - NO ONE was going to talk me into it. 

I never did another Baptism for the Dead again.  No doubt there are still countless souls up there... looking down perturbed that I won't play the game.  But wait!  What about the fact that the church sent me a letter when I left, saying that my own baptism had been revoked and it was like it had never happened?  Does that mean all those Spaniards got rounded up like a herd of cattle and booted out?  "Sorry guys, she got EX-ed so you gots to go!"

I feel sorry that the youth of this church are conditioned so severely, but more than that, so EARLY in life.   That the next Sunday after this experience happened, there I was.... bearing my testiphony telling everyone how wonderful it had been (it was awful - seriously, run for it while you still can).  How much I loved the experience (I've got 2 words for you, folks - WATER---LOGGING).... and how I could not wait to do it again (as in, never). 

The one good thing that came out of this experience was that it confirmed my already growing thought that I could not trust those around me.  I could not trust my parents (whom I loved, but they worked for them), I could not trust my leaders (I got an earful from the Bishop and I just smiled and knodded), and I could not trust my peers (the one friend I told about my worries told my Young Women's teacher on me - nice.).   These, in the end, were all good things, because it forced me to think even harder for myself and to be okay with not caring if anyone understood me or not. 

Since that day almost 23 years ago, millions of this church's youth have performed the exact same ritual and hundreds of millions of people have now entered the gates of heaven (sigh--of--relief!).  When they performed this ceremony for my Catholic Grandmother, I'm sure a nun fell over somewhere (oh, and you can get married for dead people too.... because in my Grandma's case, 50 years of hell and emotional abuse were not enough - they're going to make it so it can be for time and all eternity).

THIS is the reason that the Mormon church is the largest Genealogical group in the world.   They feel they must be baptized and be married for, every person who has ever lived.  Yea, good luck with that one.  

Friday, August 20, 2010

Brigham Young and his 55 Wives

Okay, so I have been working on 3 different posts at the same time and I guess it was my love for College Composition II that continues to pave my way for ending these posts as essays - WAY too long.  I am working on revisions and should have a bombardment of stories, opinions, and posts very soon.

In the meantime, I thought I'd leave an idea on something I first really REALIZED just yesterday.  How it has taken me so long to figure out, I'm sure I don't know, but it no doubt has to do with the continual conditioning that affecting me for so many of my early years.

I was reading the current position the church has taken on Brigham Young and the fact that he had dozens and DOZENS of wives (the records according to the church are 55 freaking wives).  I sat there dumbfounded, ONE because the church is FINALLY coming out and admitting things that critics have been saying for decades (over a century, really), and TWO,  I was overwhelmed with sadness for these poor, completely neglected women.  For those of you who are married (or have been in any real relationship), how many times have you felt that maybe your significant other is not paying enough attention to you?  How many times have you maybe thought they did not understand you and communication needed to "enter" and things be talked out.  NOW consider the fact you have 54 other "sister-wives" (I ain't no sista' wife!) who absolutely, unequivocally must be feeling neglected, overworked, misunderstood, etc...., and have to fight for your own husband's affections.

Between 16 of Brigham Young's wives, he fathered 56 children.  FIFTY SIX freaking kids who all only had ONE father (46 of these children reached adulthood).  Again, how often have we had the father of our children, maybe needing to spend more time with his kids?  Maybe he needs to have some valuable one-on-one to ensure a continued good relationship and knowing that they are emotionally meeting the needs of the child?  There is no way, NO WAY on God's green earth that Brigham Young could have even come close to meeting either his wives or his childrens emotional, psychological, romantic, sexual, or spiritual needs (since the latter two would be ones his wives really relied on him for). 

Eventually 10 of these women divorced Brigham Young (ONLY 10?), and it was widely known that many of his other wives were much older (Brigham Young considered them like "mothers".... um, yea - that's creepy). Six of his wives had been Joseph Smith's wives (um, yea - still creepy), and he built a huge home where each of his wives had their own little area in which to raise their children.

When I was sitting there  last night, thinking about those women, I went back and forth as to how they could have lived that way.  Of course there was a huge amount of respect for them by thousands of Mormons at this point - hell, they were married to "Big Cheese."  The women that ended up divorcing him were, of COURSE, outcasted and no longer considered a part of the community.  So it can be somewhat understood that since they lived in an all-Mormon community, and obviously BELIEVED that the church that their husband RAN was true (NOT to mention the fact that he was also the Governor of the state of Utah), they probably decided that they had a good gig and with the continual promise of "all the blessings of heaven" just ran with it. 

But what must they have thought when they lay alone at night - night after night after night.  What must they have thought when they knew their husband was having sex with at least 15 other women (the number was MUCH higher, but let's stick with what we KNOW)?  What must they have thought of themselves when they yearned for him as their husband, when they were lonely for his companionship, or when they felt neglected and alone?  Probably guilt for even feeling that way. 

This thought process is now fast-forwarded to the current days where women are raised in the church to know, accept, and be grateful for the fact that they will stay at home and raise their own families.  Never-mind any talents, gifts, ambitions, dreams, etc..., they may have, they will be grateful to sacrifice those 30-40 years (because if you're going to pop out a ton of kids, it's going to take some time) that they dedicate to their husband and children. 

PLEASE do not misunderstand my position on stay-at-home mothers.  I absolutely admire, respect, and advocate it..... out of choice! But what happens in this church is that we as women are admired and encouraged to grow up and have a large family that we stay at home and raise.  But what are we really talking about here?  We raise our sons to go out into the world and fulfill their dreams and aspirations, and we encourage our daughters to grow up and...... have a large family that they stay home and raise.  It is a complete CYCLE and one that is so incredibly damaging to women (it's ALL about the sons if you really think about it)! 

While they will tell you it is ALL about personal choice, they will not bother to mention the social, marital, and familial repercussions. When my sister wanted to go and get a part-time job doing something that encouraged her fantastic natural abilities in sewing, she was not only talked to by her in-laws (whom she very much respects), but her husband as well.  She knew that if she did choose to continue with her idea of this part-time job, she would lose the respect of a family she adored.  The pressure was too great and she eventually abandoned the idea.  Let me tell you - it was more damaging than you can imagine.  Even SHE does not correlate her giving up her own dreams to the depression, continual aggravation, and suffocation she feels from always doing things the way she is "suppose" to do. 

This is where I mention how grateful I am that I got out of this church while I was still young enough to avoid these issues.  I did not marry into it... I did not give birth to children under their religious laws.... and I do not raise my daughters to hope that one day they can serve their families alone (and be GRATEFUL for it).  I do, however, hope that when my daughters have children, that they work with their partners to create a loving, equal position of responsibility and I am forever grateful that my daughters have a strong, independent, self-thinking mother that is free of guilt, suppression (because let me tell you, no one holds this Momma down), and EXTREME expectations.  Oh, and by the way, I'm a stay-at-home mother who will eventually work part-time outside of the home.  Out of choice. 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Book of Abraham, a Prophet's Tale

For those of you who have never heard of the Book of Abraham, it is an additional book that was translated by Joseph Smith and is included in the back of almost every Book of Mormon (but not actually part of the Book of Mormon).  The following was taken directly by the church's FAIR site, a website set up to defend and explain the Mormon church:

In July 1835, Joseph Smith purchased a portion of a collection of papyri and mummies that had been discovered in Egypt and brought to the United States. Believing that one of the papyrus rolls contained, "the writings of Abraham while he was in Egypt," and "purportedly written by his own hand, upon papyrus,"[1] Joseph commenced a translation. The Book of Abraham was the result of his work.

So we've got a traveling salesman who just happens to have a few mummies and scrolls of papyri and what do you know, but it is the actual papyri that the ancient prophet Abraham wrote with his own hand (that Joseph Smith was one lucky sumbitch).  At the time of this purchase and "translation," the Rosetta Stone had been discovered but the ability to read it was not well developed until the 1850's.  Basically, no one could decipher hieroglyphics.  The years passed and the scrolls were thought to have been destroyed in the great Chicago fire of 1871.  Then in 1966, fragments of one of the papyri were discovered in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and donated to the church by 1967.  With the Rosetta Stone now developed, how exciting it must have been for the church to be able to show the world that Joseph Smith was indeed a TRUE prophet, having translated the actual work of the ancient prophet Abraham!  Not so.  What was agreed upon by the leading scientist and Egyptologists was that the portion of the papyri supposed to be part of the "Book of Abraham" was actually a [portion of the "Book of Breathings," an Egyptian religious text buried with mummies that instructed the dead on how to successfully reach the afterlife.]  *This last part was taken directly from the church's website, FARMS         

Instead of rejoicing for their new-found proof of the truthfulness of the church, no doubt the church leaders were sorely disappointed by the news.  Had they not given the papyri to actual scientists (who had no interest in whether the church was true or not, they were just doing their job), it is doubtful if we would even have this information.  Basically what I'm saying here is, if the church can cover up, glaze over, defend, and soothe its members into believing that "it must have been revelation given to him with the papyri only there as a stand-in." then they are able to have their members believe just about anything. 

Here you have science (the actual date of the age of the papyri conflicts with the time of Abraham), and the leading Egyptologists (who were able to easily decipher the scroll) saying there is no way this scroll matches up to what Joseph Smith translated it as, and yet today, the members take the church's word that it must be something divine that we just can't understand in this life.... but we will in the next (that's a favorite for soothing things over for the members). 

Here is a great documentary that was produced by PBS about this very subject.

Pretty interesting stuff!  

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Argument of Majority Voting

I have come across many interesting articles and posts that defend the voting system of California on Proposition 8.  If the good people of the state of California have voted Prop 8 in, then that is democracy at it's best and it should stand!  I am shocked at the lack of vision in this statement.  If we had left it to a majority vote, we as women would STILL be waiting in the voting lines.  If we had left it to a majority vote, black people would STILL be waiting in the voting lines, as well as the water fountain lines, restaurant lines, etc...   ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  Obviously if we just left all of the major decision of this country up to the white man, the white man would have kept it their exclusive club to this day. 

I know I sound a bit bitter... I know I sound a bit angry.  I am.  I'm tired of the continual lame-ace excuses we are hearing in the media pertaining to the persecution of homosexuals by the Mormon church.  They can deny, deny, deny, but you don't have to do much homework to find all the skinny on the work they did, the people they recruited, the money they raised, etc...  Again, it just comes down to telling the truth - owning up to what you have done - and being accountable.  If you want to raise millions and millions of dollars to jimmy in a law banning something you don't believe in, do you have the right?  Of course you do!  Just don't say you didn't do it.  AND do not play the persecuted people when the media dubs you the "Anti-gays."  What in the world did you think was going to happen, oh but wait, it's just society pointing those meany-pants fingers at the Mormons once again.  OWN IT! 

On a more humorous note, I thought I'd attach the link to a fusterical (that's the "F" word and hysterical, married) short video that addresses the ridiculousness of this law:,14401/

Really? No, seriously? For reals?

I guess after almost 18 years, my buttons have been pushed just one time too many.  I recently watched a commercial that had a lovely Mormon woman claiming that her place was "not in the kitchen."  She went on to proclaim her love for art.... creative expression.... uniqueness.  All wonderful thoughts if you are not completely suppressed, degraded, manipulated, and brainwashed into believing you are a second-class citizen and heck, you're grateful for it! 

This commercial placed the finger ON the button.  There were a series of small pressure pushes.... the bombardment of commercials playing in my Midwestern city (a RED state, of course - GO, MITT!)... the rebuttals of Mormons on open forums ("We swear, we are totally against polygamy!").... and of course, the continual, unbelievable denials of the Mormon hand (or should I say "fist") in Proposition 8.  If I have to hear, just one more time how accepting, loving, and all-encompassing the Mormon faith is, I will surely ralph up every bit of casserole I ate at Enrichment Night. 

The continual (CONTINIUAL) denials of Mormon beliefs when linked to polygamy are mind-boggling.  Any one of them (including their Prophet), will stare you right in the eye and let you know that polygamy is illegal!  It is wrong!  And it is not practiced by their members, nor has it been for over 100 years!  Okay, so let me lay this out for you:

*A mormon man and woman get married in the temple - "sealed" for time and all eternity
*The mormon woman gets sick and dies
*The mormon man gets re-married, IN the temple, to another mormon woman, for TIME AND ALL ETERNITY
*Mormon man now has 2, count 'em, TWO wives for time and all eternity

This is not from 100 years ago.... polygamy may not be practiced in "this life"... but for them to continue to say they have nothing to do with polygamy and they do not condone it as doctrine is a direct and out-right lie.  These women get married to their husbands under the idea that they are to be with them FOREVER.  If any of them asked their Bishop or Stake President if what I'm saying is true, they would surely not lie to them - they don't need to because if they have enough "faith" they will see that even if it is something they don't understand, it will be known to them in the hereafter (translate: don't ask questions, just do what I say).  Women do not get to choose... women do not get a say... they will tell you that if a woman does not want this to be so, he will respect her wishes.  Yea, maybe he will.  But maybe he won't. HE decides. 

This is to be an open forum for other WOMEN (keep it to yourselves, brothas!) who wish to speak their minds, thoughts, and "testimonies" pertaining to their experiences or ideas about the nature of the church and their continual desire to tell "untruths."  These commercials are telling me that something is wrong.  Numbers must be down.  Mitt Romney is running for president in 2012 and someone better shine some light on the Anti-gays.  My whole point is to KEEP IT REAL and TELL THE TRUTH.  Too many lies for just too long.  Sigh.